2021 is here
And not a minute too soon. 2020 was a year for the books. It showed how good humans can really be. Unfortunately, it showed how bad and stupid humans can be also. So many people made wearing a darn mask political - it's not, it's common human decency. So many people believed in the crazy ass conspiracy theories floating around. That's what really killed me. People that I thought were intelligent, well-read, and clear thinkers, bought into this nonsense. There were so many, and some were so freaking complicated, but here are a few: Covid-19 itself: 5G spread the Corona virus (people who don't understand viruses) It was created in a lab (people who don't understand evolution) Bill Gates created the virus so he could make money off a vaccine and that vaccine was going to put a microchip in us all so the government could track us (hello!! Do you know what that phone in your hand does? ) Then there was the pedophile stuff: Covid-19 was a cover so th...