
Showing posts from December 27, 2020

2021 is here

  And not a minute too soon.   2020 was a year for the books. It showed how good humans can really be. Unfortunately, it showed how bad and stupid humans can be also. So many people made wearing a darn mask political - it's not, it's common human decency. So many people believed in the crazy ass conspiracy theories floating around. That's what really killed me. People that I thought were intelligent, well-read, and clear thinkers, bought into this nonsense. There were so many, and some were so freaking complicated, but here are a few:  Covid-19 itself:  5G spread the Corona virus (people who don't understand viruses)  It was created in a lab (people who don't understand evolution) Bill Gates created the virus so he could make money off a vaccine and that vaccine was going to put a microchip in us all so the government could track us (hello!! Do you know what that phone in your hand does? ) Then there was the pedophile stuff:  Covid-19 was a cover so that 250,000 ped

Improving the mind

 One of the things that happened this year is that we elected a new president. Tr*mp has been president for 4 years and it has literally been a nightmare. I have not been able to understand or reason out why people that I know, intelligent, caring people, like this guy. He is a liar. He is a misogynist. He is a sexist. And that is just to name a few. He has manipulated people to believe what he wants them to believe and I don't understand at all.  One of the things I have been working on this year, and for a while now, is to improve my mind. To not just accept things but to question and evaluate them. No only what I read and hear, but also what I think. I have spent a long time working on seeing my thoughts and not just letting them control me. Towards that end, I have watched a few things recently that has really exposed some things I kind of knew about but also highlighted that I was correct in a lot of my thinking.  First, I watched The Reagans. It was a 4-part series on Ronald

The Countdown to 2021 has begun

  Only 5 more days of 2020 left, thank god!!!  What a dumpster fire of a year this has been. But, in spite of all the nonsense that went on, I have actually had a pretty darn good year.  First, I was lucky enough to have a job where I could work from home for most of the year. I kept getting paid and that really was a blessing.  Second, this time at home really allowed me time to focus on the inner me. I have had time to kind of think things through, work on my thoughts, and understand how I want to be. It is kind of complicated, and I'll leave that for another post, but I have made my self smaller and less important. And that has made my life so much better.  Finally, I learned that things can turn to sh*t in a heartbeat, which means they can become awesome in a heartbeat too. And most of deciding whether it is sh*t or awesome is in my head and I control.  Seriously, I find myself generally pretty happy 99.9% of the time. I'm loving life. Living to the best of my ability and t