
Showing posts from December 20, 2020

Christmas 2020

  Well, it's been a year. Thankfully that year is quickly coming to an end. I rarely say this, but it will be nice to have 2020 in the rearview mirror. Let's look at some of the things that happened in 2020:  Australian wildfires - this is how we started the year, with the southern hemisphere on fire Then Trump was impeached. That was a giant clusterf*ck and really just gave his rabid base more to cheer about.  Kobe Bryant was killed in a plane crash. I'm not a basketball fan but he was young and seemed like a pretty decent guy overall. Also, his young daughter was killed with him.  The Iowa Caucus debacle. Apparently they tried something new and it blew up in their faces and so that became the big story.  Harvey Weinstein was convicted. What a scumbag.  Covid-19, a worldwide pandemic started, and the US showed how truly idiotic our people can be. Businesses and schools shut down to try and contain it but the stupid people won and it has spread like wildfire through the cou