
Showing posts from September 22, 2019

Morning Page Day 5

I didn't do this yesterday and I'm not 100% sure why. I had the time, I just didn't do them. I was a little upset about Day 4, I felt like it was just a whining session and I hate whining. So that may have been part of it. I need to make this not about whining. Yesterday we went to Ikea. 90ish minutes roaming around that store. It's crazy. We need some things for the house and thought that would be a good place to find them. We found a couple but not everything. So we keep looking. We went to lunch at the Tilted Kilt and for the first time in a couple of weeks, I had a beer. It was good. I was worried about my stomach but it was all good. I then came home and didn't pig out on junk food. Yay me!!!! I have to get this desk organized. I have a terrible habit of coming home and just dropping things on my desk. I need to break that. Because they will sit there all week. I need to get into the habit of going through it and filing things away. lots of time I leave t

Morning Page Day 4

Well here we are on Thursday. Thank god. It's been a long, long week. I really like doing this in the morning though, it seems to clear my head for the day. Between meditation and this, I feel like I start the day fresh and ready to go. I like that. I didn't go to agility last night. I was just too tired. I'm going to email the owner today and explain that 7:50 is just too late for me. I need an earlier class. I'll be sad to move because I've come to really like the people we train with, but I can't go that late. By 7:50 I'm getting ready for bed. It is not time to go out and do something active. So I'll email her today. Plus, now I live 35 minutes away. I don't mind driving but going that late and having that long a drive just makes it too, too late. So I'll email her today and get this taken care of. Volleyball is almost over. Thank god. I tried so hard to get out of it and the 'head coach' just kept dragging me in. Next year I am o

Morning Page Day 3

So I missed doing this yesterday due to some car problems. On monday afternoon I couldn't start my car after work. Ugh!!!!  Had to get a jump to get home then Hubby charged it at home and it seemed to start okay. Had an appointment to take it in yesterday to get fixed. when I went out to go to work yesterday the bugger was dead, dead, dead. Had to ride with Hubby, so we left earlier hence not having time to do this, and then Hubby had to come home, wait for a tow truck, get it started, drive it to the dealership, and wait for a ride home. He also had to come back to work and pick me up so that we could get the car. They replaced the battery and said it was bad. Since this is the 2nd time in 2 years this has happened, I'm a little skeptical about it being the battery's fault. But they said I was wrong. So I have to go with what they say, they are the experts right?  In other news, I walked Mavy last night and it was awesome. There was a breeze blowing and it was around 84F

Morrning Pages Day 2

So here we are again. Last night I had the beginnings of an episode with my stomach. I awoke to a feeling of bile in my mouth. That has been the precursor to an attack in the past, so I freaked a little. Proped myself up on my pillows so I wasn't laying flat, went and drank some milk to have something in my stomach, and hoped for the best. It should be noted that I did not have dinner last night. I went to Trader Joe's and bought a bunch of garbage then pigged out on that. Hubby was at a friend's watching the game and didn't get home until after 6. I did not feel hungry from my junk food binge so no dinner. Before bed I felt a little hungry and had 1/2 a ham sandwich. That clearly did not do it. But all of this provides data which is really what I need to narrow this thing down. The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced it's IBS. That's a good and a bad thing. Good because it's not life threatening. Bad because who wants to live with this? So yea

The Artist's Way

So I read some of this book and one of the first things recommended is that you write every morning for 3 pages. I just tried to do that and my arm/hand went numb. So since writing longhand is out I'm going to use this blog as my dump and I'm going to write for 15 minutes.  No one reads it anyway and I haven't been using it much lately, so this is as good a place as any. We are supposed to just do a brain dump, so here goes. I really love our new house. I love the house. I love the yard. I love the neighborhood and area. It is really awesome. The house is old and has some issues, but nothing we can't deal with. The neighborhood is quiet. Really. quiet. And the area is amazing. Everything is close by. Every. Thing. There are tons of parks and walking paths and canals and cool places to just cruise around. Mavy and I walked the canal yesterday and it was awesome. They have a concrete path for bikes and a dirt path for walkers/runners.  There were tons of people out usin