
Showing posts from September 1, 2019

The aftermath

The move is over, though the work will continue for quite some time. It was an interesting week or so. Let me recap: On Thursday, Aug 22 the buyers did a walkthru of the house on Lydia. On Friday, Aug 23 we drove up to Biltmore to sign the papers for the sale of Lydia Ln. There was a hang-up with some paperwork from our seller, so our docs weren't ready. We found out late Friday night that the docs had come in at 6:45pm. We would be signing on Monday, Aug 26th. Lydia Ln closed on the 26th and we signed on Poplar St. on the 26th. Prior to this, I had set up everything to happen on Wed, Aug 28th. We finally closed on Poplar on Tues, Aug 27th. Hubby started moving on Tuesday and did about 3 trips to Poplar. On Tues he picked me up from school and we headed over to Poplar. We swam in our pool for the first time and just hung out for a little bit. Wednesday morning we were up at 4 am and started in. Hubby worked for a couple of hours and I started on the house. Packing all the la