
Showing posts from July 7, 2019

I am over it.....

It's like I turned 60 and all kinds of weird shit starting happening. Well, I'm done with it. I've been getting these weird stomach pain. It feels like my entire bowel system is inflamed and it's even sore to the touch like I press on my abdomen and get pain. It's horrible. It flared up a couple of weeks ago and I posted about it. Well, that was not the first time. It was probably the 3rd or 4th time. Then Sunday or Monday night it woke me again. Around 3 am I woke and felt the pain starting. I was laying on my right side and remembered some silly Facebook meme about sleeping on your side and your stomach opens when you do...I really don't remember it well, but I thought, hmmmm.....let me switch sides. So I rolled over to my left side and the pain passed. My stomach was a little funky all day but I was able to function. So, in my stupidity, I thought boom, figured it out. Then on Thursday, I woke with excruciating pain in my right knee. Like I could hardly wal