
Showing posts from June 2, 2019

Summer lethargy

I've fallen into the summer slump and I need to get out of it. I have a summer pattern that goes back to old ways of thinking. Let me see if I can ferret out where this all started because I didn't use to be like this. So my views now are constantly that I need to rest and relax. If I have downtime I will do absolutely nothing. There were times in my life when I was very, very busy. I was going to college, I worked, after that I worked a full-time job 5 days a week, then I taught 5 days a week and summer time. Somewhere in there, I got the mindset that I was super busy and needed to rest whenever I could. Now that in and of itself is okay except that that belief hung on long after I was no longer so busy. Fast forward to today. I'm sitting at a desk that is an absolute mess, I have 2 classes that need to be finished up as quickly as possible, I have things I 'want' to do, and yet I've sat for the last week on my ass not doing a thing. I've played a stupid