
Showing posts from March 31, 2019

Obstacles to Self-Care

I've done this a 1,000 times in the past. Started something amazing, went really strong for a while, then stopped. Sometimes I stopped slowly, it just gradually faded away. Other times I stopped abruptly for some specific reason. Using the past as an example, what could become obstacles to my self-care practice? Time - the first thing that always comes to mind is the time factor. I feel, in general, like I just don't have enough time in the day to do all the things I want to do. Now, that is absolutely ridiculous because I have the time to sit and watch TV, play stupid computer games, and scroll Facebook for hours on end. So there really is no basis for that at all. Saying I don't have time is just flat out not true. Energy - the next thing, and closely related to time, is not having the energy. This is generally another flat out lie. If I do things I enjoy, I have plenty of energy for them. Also, with things like exercise, the more I do it the more energy I have. Al

Self-Care Initiative

Five days ago I signed up for a self-care initiative. It's done by the guy I've been following for years for fat loss. He has always said that in order to change your body, you have to change your mind. So now he offers a course on how to change your mind. I started on Saturday and, while it still seems fairly easy, I can see we are heading into some deep, deep waters. Yesterday's assignment was to look at Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and view our lives in terms of the different levels. So let's start at the bottom, physiological needs: Overall, I'm pretty okay on this level. I have enough money to buy food and keep a roof over my head. The problems I have at this level are definitely 1st world problems. I eat junk food far more often than I should. I don't dring enough water at times. These are things that are purely self-inflicted and things that I can easily fix myself to make this level solid. Safety needs: Again, the issues here are definitely