
Showing posts from March 3, 2019

One step up and two steps back

Or something like that. So I woke up Monday feeling pretty good. Felt like my cold was on the wane and I was feeling rather chippy. Walked to and from school. Had a good day in school. Came home and went for my first run. Didn't watch any TV, took a bath and was in bed by 8 pm. I felt like a rockstar. Woke up Tuesday still feeling pretty good, though not as good as Monday. Still walked to and from school, did some weights when I got home. Worked on some jackets I'm making. It was all good. Didn't get to bed until 8:30 but still a good time. Did not sleep well Tues-Weds night. Work up Wednesday and felt like I had been hit by a train. My cold was back with a vengeance. Nose running, throat sore and coughing. Awesome. Dragged my butt through Wednesday. Then woke up on Thursday feeling worse. Yay!!!! Had to fight through the last day of school and I made it. Now I'm on spring break and have the chance to really recover from this thing. I freaking hate being sick and

Time to revisit a favorite

I stopped running when I started Crossfit because the 2 really weren't compatible. At least for me. Also, to be honest, I drank the Crossfit kool-aid. I know that long slow cardio is not good for the body, but the truth of the matter is that I like running and if I like something I'm more likely to do it. I don't want to run marathons or anything - been there done that - but I would like to do short 5K or 10K runs. Also, the bottom line is I need to do something. I'm sitting around far, far too much. I feel my energy lessening and I don't like that at all. So things need to change and they need to change now. I'm trying to work this out in my head but that never works well, so here I am putting words to paper so to speak. Here are my thoughts:  I want to do weights 2x per week, I want to run 3x per week, and I want to do yoga 2x per week. That is 7 days. Hmmm....7 days in a week, 7 things I want to do....coincidence??  I think not.... Now here's the is