
Showing posts from February 17, 2019

Now that I've had a chance to regroup

it's time to move forward. I had reached a point last week where I was stressed. Seriously. Stressed. All completely self-imposed, but still stressed none the less. So yesterday I decided to start to tackle it and it has helped. I had 5 classes of tests to grade. I went to school and got them, then sat on the couch and graded 4 or the 5 classes. Nice. The 5th one I don't need until Wednesday, so I have time to get that done. I can feel the stress lifting already. Now for other things. I have not walked any appreciable amount in 4 days. I need to get moving. I bought weights weeks ago and haven't started using them yet. Time to get off my ass and start getting things done. That starts today. I'm going to get laundry done today. Vacuum the house. Go to school for a couple of hours and grade and prep for tomorrow - prepping is the most important and I'm going to work on that as soon as I'm done here. And basically, get ready to face the week. Procrastinat

Fallen into another hole

Just because I understand something and know why things are happening, doesn't mean I can stop them from happening. Evidence this past week. I have written extensively recently about my meditation practice. It is making a huge difference in my life, it really and truly is. But that doesn't mean I have it all worked out. Last week at school, I felt like I was under an enormous amount of stress. Enormous!!!! The difference between this time and all previous times is that I knew the stress was completely self-created. Which means that since I created it, I could fix it. I didn't have time to do that, but I knew a long weekend was coming and I could get everything done then. Still, I had some stress. Also, the money situation has not been easy and that has been stressing me out. Again, completely self-created. So with my new found inner peace, I still managed to create high levels of stress for myself and make myself crazy. As always happens with high levels of stress, I