
Showing posts from January 6, 2019

The power of meditation

I feel like a new age guru. Some recent convert who is all gung-ho and extolling the virtues of some new thing. But the fact of the matter is that I am noticing some amazing mental changes and the only thing I can attribute it to is my meditation practice. Today I have been meditating for 71 days straight. And for the past week or so I've been noticing some serious changes in my mental state. I am much calmer and clearer in my thinking. I am able to focus more on what I am doing at the moment without a 1,000 other thoughts running through my head. I can make decisions and stick with them. In the past I would make a decision, like restarting AltShift, only to 'forget' and slip up. I haven't forgotten once this whole week. That is huge, really huge, especially since I've been home which tends to make me more unfocused. And being at home these past 2 weeks has been different. I'm not near as bored as I usually am. I don't feel that whole why bother thing tha