No exercise in sight

I do not know the last time I worked out. Actually, I think I do. I did some running here and there a couple of times. But the last time I worked out seriously was in January at Laveen Crossfit. And the fact of the matter is I feel like crap. I need to change things. I have a ton of excuses for why I'm not exercising; taking classes, hot outside, too hungry, too tired, too focused, whatever, it's all bullshit.

So what to do about it?  At the moment I am taking a class from 8 - 4:30, Mon-Thurs. Well, last week I rode the bus so I had to be up by 4:30 to walk the dogs, shower, and get out of the house by 6:30 to catch a bus. Then I wouldn't get home until 6 pm. This week I will have the car so I probably won't have to leave until closer to 7 and I should be home by 5:30ish.

You know what, regardless of the freaking time constraints, I need to exercise. I need to do something. Last week I rode my bike from the bus and I'm going to ride my bike again this week but that is not enough. I need to work out. I can't make excuses anymore. It's time to just suck it up and start doing it again. Time to remove the emotion from it and just get it done. Time to use my mindfulness to get it done.


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