The power of meditation

I feel like a new age guru. Some recent convert who is all gung-ho and extolling the virtues of some new thing. But the fact of the matter is that I am noticing some amazing mental changes and the only thing I can attribute it to is my meditation practice. Today I have been meditating for 71 days straight. And for the past week or so I've been noticing some serious changes in my mental state. I am much calmer and clearer in my thinking. I am able to focus more on what I am doing at the moment without a 1,000 other thoughts running through my head. I can make decisions and stick with them. In the past I would make a decision, like restarting AltShift, only to 'forget' and slip up. I haven't forgotten once this whole week. That is huge, really huge, especially since I've been home which tends to make me more unfocused. And being at home these past 2 weeks has been different. I'm not near as bored as I usually am. I don't feel that whole why bother thing that usually happens. I can focus on what I want to do and actually do it. It's amazing. I can start something, put it down and come back to it later and pick up right where I left off. In the past, I would restart it and begin again. Not this time. I imagine this is how 'normal' people are. I am getting things done. I am making plans and following through. I am feeling much happier and content. It is amazing. And the only thing that has really changed in my life is the addition of regular meditation. I always knew that our mind was a super powerful tool. It could believe or overcome anything at all I just never knew how much control we could have over it. Once you have your mind under control and not have your mind controlling you, nothing is out of reach. It is amazing. I wish I could get everyone to seriously try it for a period of time because it does take time. But it is sooo worth it.....


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