
Showing posts from December 30, 2018

5 days into the new year

and things are going well. I have not had one deviation on AltShift these 5 days. Not one. Granted this is not a contest to see how long I can go without deviations, there will be some in the future. But I want them to be deviations for good reasons. I haven't had any reason to deviate this week, so I haven't. It's been that simple. I went out to lunch twice and didn't have alcohol either time. Didn't really feel like it, but more important there was no reason to have a drink. At least not a reason good enough to deviate. Hubby has been awesome making great food for 5 shift. I'm drinking water like it's my job. I even went to workout class on Thursday. The local CrossFit box is adding a new class that is more of boot camp type class instead of CrossFit. No heavy weights or crap like that. I tried it out and it was Tabata style; 45 seconds of work, 15 seconds of rest. I liked it. I will probably give the month of January a try. I really like working out aga

It really all comes down to

It is that simple. And that hard. Yesterday was my first day back on AltShift. I made a conscious decision in the morning that I would not eat any junk all day. I have been living on junk the past 2 weeks. But I was making a fresh start yesterday and I decided there would be no junk. Guess what? There was no junk. I looked at it a couple of times because there are bags of chips and pies sitting on my counter, but wasn't even really tempted. Ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner and was good. Had a talk with Hubby about wanting to get back on track and back to feeling like I did last summer. He's good and on board, all he wanted was a list so he knew what to cook when. So it's all good. I felt really good yesterday. I didn't feel stuffed or bloated from eating garbage and I wasn't hungry. So it's off to a good start, I just need to pay attention to my reasons for doing this. It's not to lose weight, it's to feel really, really good again. Same with the fi

Another trip around the sun

Another 365 days complete. The beginning of a new year, a new calendar, a new book with empty pages and it's up to us to fill them well. It's time to start again. I know that many, many people are against new year's resolutions and I completely understand why. I look at it as a place to start. Everything has to start somewhere, it might as well be here and now. And I'm a lover of new beginnings. So let's use that to my advantage and start again on the first day of a new year. So I am not so much starting as picking things up again. For the last 2 months at least, I have not been following AltShift well at all. There has been food outside of shift. A.  Lot. There has been food I shouldn't eat ever. A. Lot. There has been not enough steps during the break. The 2 things I have been doing really well is the meditation and the sleeping. I got those down. I am currently on a 66-day streak of meditation. And it's break, so I've been sleeping. I need to d