
Showing posts from December 16, 2018

Break is finally here

The last few weeks have been crazy busy. Even the weekends were packed with things to do. But now break is here and I get a couple of weeks to relax. Yay!!!!  The last few weeks have been interesting. I'm focusing on organization in my classroom and I've been working really hard on that. Unfortunately, I haven't been focusing on anything in my personal life. Just getting through the last few weeks of school has taken almost everything. Ugh!!! Sticking to AltShift has proved to be somewhat difficult. A lot of which has to do with the way I feel. I feel good. When I feel good I don't feel it necessary to stick to any particular structure. Which is ridiculous since it is that structure that got me to feel good. I did, however, realize something the other day. In the last 2 years, I have gone the longest I've almost ever gone without working out.  I stopped everything when I started AltShift because he said walking was all I needed at first. This was true. But I'