
Showing posts from November 25, 2018

Feel like I've fallen into a hole

For years I lived my life in the 'when'. When I start running again. When I start eating right.... When I do this.... or that....  and I hated it. I always felt like I wasn't living my life but waiting for something to happen. Then we had the accident and my whole attitude shifted. I lived in the moment. I was focused on what was going on here and now and not thinking of some ethereal thing that might or might not happen in the future. And I liked that. I was happy and content with my life. I did things that I enjoyed and I like it a whole lot. Well, gradually over the past few months, I've fallen into old habits. I make plans and then wait for them to happen. For example, I opened a Kohl's card on Friday and spent all of Friday and most of Saturday waiting to go to Kohl's to use it. I did it for a very specific thing but still. I spent basically 2 days waiting for one thing to happen. When it happened, did anything magically change with my life? NO. After i