
Showing posts from October 14, 2018

Completely out of control

What is it with me and free time? I had last week off and things literally spiralled completely out of control. I've lost track of the finances, the things I need to do, everything. I don't like this, I don't like it at all. And it has to change right here and now. I got up over an hour ago (that would be 3:45 am) because all these things were running through my head and I couldn't sleep. So I got up to try and handle them. I did take care of a couple of things, but more importantly I realized that things are too far out of control. I need to get them back in check and I need to do that now. I was feeling this way a little bit last night. I came home and fell asleep in my chair. Granted it was the first day back after break and I was tired. But I had shit I wanted to do. And I did none of it!!! Ugh!!!.. Seriously. No more. There are things I want to do and sleeping in my chair is not accomplishing that. So I need to revamp my whole life. Right now, I go to school, c