
Showing posts from September 30, 2018

A serious choice to make

I am faced with a very serious decision. One that could theorectically impact my whole life. Pardon me while I talk my way through it. A little over a year ago I started AltShift and it changed my life. For the first time in many, many years I felt good. Really, really good. I had energy. I wanted to do things. I was happier. Just everything improved. Plus I lost weight. Lots of weight. Things went along fine while I was in school and had a strict schedule. Once summer hit, things started to fall apart. I stopped walking as much. My sleep schedule got all screwed up and my eating became sloppier. Once I returned to school, I thought that I would get back on track. That hasn't exactly happened. I'm much better than I was during the summer, but things are still not back where they should be. 2 months ago, they had the final AltShift Activate and I joined that, but really didn't participate much as things were still crazy for me. Then he pulled back everything because he

That sudden, unexpected

I had one over the weekend. I spent the weekend in Washington, D.C. with about 200 science teachers from all over the country. As I listened to them talk about the research they do with their students and how they go about accomplishing things, something hit me. Those things are not necessarily for me and I should not feel bad about that. Following on the heels of that, I realized something about Facebook. I have cleaned out my Facebook a whole lot in the last couple of months. I don't follow any 'health or fitness' type people. I don't follow people who post a lot of selfies. I don't follow people who are extremely political on either side. I have restricted my feed to things that I like. I thought that would help. I found myself feeling inadequate and down on myself for not doing all these 'things' that others apparently did. So now I follow lots of teacher groups. I follow some planner groups. And I follow people I like to hear from. That's it. I t