
Showing posts from September 16, 2018

Starting to feel more in control

Looking over this blog, I notice that the last couple of posts have fallen into my old routine of complaining and whining. Wanting to change but not actually following through on it. I don't like that and it is extremely unproductive. Part of the problem was that I felt my life had spun out of control. Somehow that happened over the summer when I had more time on my hands than ever before. But whatever. Since school started, I've been working hard to get my life where I want it. Well, these last 2 weeks I've made significant progress towards that. I have set up my planner to track the things I want to do daily, and I've limited them to just a couple of things to get started. I have also made sure that I did those things every day. Okay, I did not do one thing every day. But I'm working on building habits. I've gotten far better at limiting my time on Facebook and it really makes a difference. In fact, I shut down the Facebook page when I'm done looking at

We have a problem

Actually, I have a problem and I need to get a handle on it. On September 10, 2017, I started AltShift. It has been an amazing year. I've lost a bunch of fat and inches (no I don't know exactly how much because I haven't weighed or measured myself in months). Things have been going well up until this past summer. I fell off things this summer. I lost the meditation, and I have found that is super, super important. I also fell off the walking. Summer in Phoenix is no time for walking plus sitting around the house doesn't lend itself to lots of activity.  Since school started back in August, I've been battling to get back on track. I've been mostly successful. I started up the meditation again and my current streak is 8 days - woohoo!!!  As soon as the weather got cooler I started walking to school. Afternoons are still a little hot so walking home isn't happening every day. But I've been making my 10,000 steps every workday. And food has been okay.

Whatever happened to..........

Whenever I am bored, I look up people I haven't heard from in a while on the Internet. Now, most of these people are the type who post every day on Facebook, sometimes multiple times a day. They tend to post a whole lot of selfies and constantly talk about their life in general. Then one day - poof - they are gone. No more selfies. No more day to day details of their life. No more nothing. Just gone. And I can't help but wonder where they went. What happened? Did they suddenly realize that posting their daily life on the Internet was not the best idea? Did they suddenly discover that some of this can come back and bite them in the ass? Did they get hit by a bus? What????  It's like you can't keep us updated on every single aspect of your life and then just disappear. That's not fair. No, not really, but seriously I do wonder about them. Studies have shown that people who post a lot of selfies and who share their life extensively have a fairly low self-esteem and a