
Showing posts from September 9, 2018

Tempus fugit

This is how time feels lately. It's going fast and I'm not sure exactly why. I know as you get older time feels to go faster, but I always thought that was on the level of years. Lately, it feels like the days and hours are going faster. Stop. Slow down. School just started a minute ago and we are damn near at fall break already. Yikes. I feel like I can feel the days getting shorter and cooler. It will be Christmas before we know it. And boom, I just went down a rabbit hole that took me 15 minutes. I sat down to write this and had nothing on my mind, then bam, I'm off. I think that is part of the reason time flies so quickly. I go down these rabbit holes that I think will be a quick detour and end up being minutes or hours even. And that is time just lost, gone. Anyway, back to the point of this post. I have made significant progress in cutting the Facebook cord. Except for yesterday, I only got on Facebook at work during my lunch hour. That was awesome. It freed up

time for a drastic change

Time for some tough love. On myself. I have reached a point where I have a desire to change my life but I just haven't actually done it. I want to do more things, but I end up sitting at the computer for hours at a time instead. I want to be a better person, but Facebook sucks me in and I waste countless hours on it. So it's time to do something really, really drastic. Remove myself as much as possible from social media. I don't really do Instagram or Twitter so those aren't an issue. It is Facebook. I can spend hours scrolling through Facebook. Hours. That has got to stop. I use it as a time killer and I end up getting sucked into the abyss that is social media. I'm not quitting completely, I just need to put some restrictions on it. So, here's the plan. I can check it in the morning on my tablet before my day truly starts. I read it on the toilet, which seems appropriate so I can live with that.  I will not look at it as long as I have something else to do.