
Showing posts from June 10, 2018

Monsoon season has arrived

and we got our first rain yesterday. Actually, it's still raining a little this morning. It wasn't a lot of rain, but it was rain. After living in Hawaii for nearly 30 years, where it rained almost every single day and sometimes twice a day, I never thought I would be so happy to see rain. But it's been 2 years here and I think we've had 2 or 3 good showers of rain. So every little bit is exciting. I hope it stays kind of rainy and cloudy today so that I can take Maverick on a short hike. The whole idea behind getting another dog was to have a hiking partner. It would be nice to actually take him hiking. But it's been far too hot to go out during the day and I'm not getting up at o'dark thirty to go. So that may happen today with any luck. So this week has been better in that I'm not whining near as much, but I'm not at the activity level I would like to be. I haven't been to the gym all week. I haven't got close to my steps all week. I h

it is done

This is what has been completely derailing me for the past 2 weeks. Every time I had a minute to spare, I would jump on this and it would be hours later before I realized it. Well, now it is done and I won't be working on it anymore. In truth, it was this and Arrested Development that kept me occupied. They made a new season of this and I thought it would be good to watch the first 4 before watching the new season. And it was a good idea, as I had forgotten lots. But the seasons of this thing were long, 22 episodes - like it used to be. Anyway, I would sit down to do my turtle and turn on this and boom, hours would go by. It's nice to be able to lose myself in something but this was getting out of hand. Now, both are done. I finished Arrested Development last night and the turtle this morning. So that is the end of that. I do have a couple of more coming but I'm going to have to be more disciplined with them. The good news is that this has kept me off facebook mos