
Showing posts from May 27, 2018


Okay, I am starting my 3rd week of summer break and I'm already falling into bad habits. My social media holiday did not last long, I need to get back into that. I'm feeling like I don't want to go anywhere. That is usually the first symptom of the lethargy that will descend if I don't be careful. I have not been getting near enough steps in either. It's time to change all that before it gets out of hand completely. I need to get angry and make some changes so let's see what I can do. I just went and took my bi-monthly measurements. I'm down another 3ish pounds, and all my other measurements are down or the same, but my waist is up an inch. Why????? Well, I haven't been as strict on the food part as I should and I haven't been walking. Also, my sleep has been funky. I have been staying up late and I may not have been getting 8 hours some nights. Okay, time to regroup and get my shit together before it all goes to hell. Starting today, the pla