
Showing posts from May 20, 2018

Social media holiday

I've decided to take a break from social media. I spend far, far too much time just scrolling through Facebook. Yes, I get a lot of information there, but I was a lot of time too. There was a time when Facebook didn't exist. When I actually did things instead of scrolling through the computer. So I'm on a social media diet for today. I did not get my 10,000 steps in yesterday. I got 7,000 - yay!!!  Because the day before I only got 4.000. I started off good. We went to the dog park and Maverick and I walked home from there. That was nice. Hot but nice. But after that my moving pretty well ended. I cruised Facebook for a while (see, it's a problem) then I did a very small amount of school work. Then I worked on my diamond dots most of the day and night. Oh, I did go get a drink with the girls and that was nice. I'm kind of obsessed with the diamond dots and I'm not sure if I should give into the obsession or fight it. I am very, very eager to get this thing d

The best time of the year

It's amazing the things you get used to. I am entering my 10th year of being a teacher and I honestly cannot remember how I worked all the time. How did I survive not having summers off? Of course, my job didn't require hours and hours of prep and didn't leave me so drained I could hardly walk at the end of the day. So I guess there's that. But I sure love having summer off. So school ended 1 week ago. Now I swore to myself that I would not waste this summer like I usually do. I would not become lazy and do nothing most of the day. I would keep up the healthy habits I had established during the school year and continue to improve my health. Well, it has not been so great this first week. I have gone to the gym and will be going again today - yay!!!  I am taking a Krav Maga class on Saturday - yay!!!  I went to agility with Mavy last night - yay!!! What I have not been doing is getting in a lot of steps - boo!!!  I started wearing my Garmin the day after school ended