
Showing posts from May 6, 2018

Wasting Time

I have no problem with wasting time in and of itself. Sometimes a little wasted time is good for everyone. I'm having a problem though with my level of technology wasting time. I went to a dance performance last night and spent almost the entire time on my phone doing a silly painting app. Now granted, it was fun, it was still a waste of time for no apparent reason. I need to change that. One of the groups I belong to is doing a 21 challenge to reduce your time with technology. I'm not thinking of doing that, but I do need to change some things about the way I waste time. I have a lot to do this summer, much of it on the computer, and falling down the black hole that is Facebook is not going to get it done. I think I need to turn Facebook notifications off. I don't think I need to get them anymore. I can go to Facebook anytime I want and check it, I don't need to be notified of every little post. I also need to not keep a Facebook tab open on my desktop. I just wen

A couple of things....

First, it's the end of the school year and things always get crazy around this time. This past week was a train wreck of epic proportions. Reviewing and testing are without a doubt, the most boring part of teaching. I would take grading over them every single time. Also, this week was teacher appreciation week. We have the best PTO and they fed us lunch all week. But, I ate things I shouldn't have eaten. For the last 2 days, my sleep has been really messed up and I can't help but wonder if there is a correlation between the two. Well, I'm going to find out because today there will be no deviations at all. In fact, no deviations for the next couple of days to get back into the routine. Finally, my meditation is on point. I've meditated for 10 minutes for the last 12 days. I can literally feel a mental difference when I meditate vs when I don't. I like the feeling and I like the mental clarity. It is heating up around here. The last couple of days have been