
Showing posts from April 29, 2018

The power of meditation

Part of the AltShift regiment is to meditate daily. It's not so much to become this great peaceful being but to become more aware of your thoughts. Since uncontrolled thoughts can totally derail a situation, working on becoming aware of them helps to control them and not let them control you. Simple. When I started AltShift meditating was hard. Probably one of the hardest aspects of the program. But when I joined AltShift Activate - twice - I had to meditate. He started us at just 3 minutes and it increased a minute every week. After ASA I kept doing that until I reached 10 minutes. That seemed like a good amount of time for meditation and I found that anything shorter really didn't allow me to calm my mind as much. So for easily 6 or 7 months, I meditated 10 minutes almost every day. Some days I missed, but most days I did it. Then I'm not sure what happened exactly but I started to forget. I would go a couple days missing it, then pick it up again. Then gradually the