
Showing posts from April 8, 2018


Don't really have a whole lot to write about today, so it will probably be a bunch of unconnected ramblings. Tomorrow is my birthday. I turn 59. Honestly, I never thought I would live this long. I grew up during the cold war. We used to practice nuclear attack drills in school. Then it was the 60's - 70's. Everyone was doing drugs. Then we moved to California where it was all gratification now. So I really didn't have a view of the future as I grew up. My Dad died when he was about 52 - that is so freaking young. I just didn't have any concept that I would live to be this age let alone what to do to prepare for it. I lived my life not really thinking about the future. And now, the future is here. Wow, wasn't expecting that. Anyway, the job I have now has a good retirement system and at this rate, I will collect about $400/month at age 65. Not great, but better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. Today we are taking the dogs to the Riparian Preserve .