
Showing posts from March 25, 2018

Need a paradigm shift

I've been working very hard on shifting the way I view food and exercise and for the most part have been pretty successful. I now need to apply the same changes to money. This is something I really struggle with because I was never taught how to handle money and I've handled it badly for years. So I think it's time for a paradigm shift when it comes to money. Here are the problems: I constantly think that we do not have enough money. That becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. If I am focused on how little money we have, then the whole thing is a struggle. This is kind of like in AltShift when he tells us not to focus on the things we can't have but to focus on what we enjoy. So focus on the positive not the negative.  I need to pay attention to what I spend. Much like not eating mindlessly, I must use my mindfulness to stop spending. When I can go into the bank account and not know what a charge is, that is bad. So I need to use mindfulness for my spending.  I

Need to refocus a bit

So I'm doing well with AltShift, really, really well actually. On Sunday I will do my monthly weigh and measure and things are going well. Things have slowed down, but that is to be expected. And the truth of the matter is that I feel so damn good in my body now. But things have slipped slightly. I don't meditate regularly. I was doing so well for so long and now I have trouble remembering to do it. I need to set a timer at a time that works every day and just meditate when it goes off. I've been pretty good about getting my steps in but I've taken an action that may derail me. I am tired of wearing my step tracker. I hardly ever check it and I basically just use it as a watch. So I ordered myself a real watch, Timex to be exact. I don't want to wear something all the time, but when I go to work or out, I want to have a watch on. So I'm not going to wear my tracker anymore. My phone will work as a tracker as long as I have my phone on me. It doesn't track wh