
Showing posts from February 25, 2018


Sleep is something I do really, really well. I have always taken pride in the fact that I can sleep anywhere at anytime. Not only that, I have tapped into my circadian rhythms and can usually set a mental 'alarm' that wakes me up when I want to get up. Sleep has never really been an issue for me.  But, this week it has. Now I know some of it is the money issue. We have been going along with tons of money and suddenly this month, we have some huge bills due. Now many of these are one and done type of bills; car registration, renew subscriptions, etc. Another one is a short-term bill that will only last a few months. So it's really not a huge problem, but they are all due or starting this month and that is stressful. So I know that is part of the problem. The other part is that I have a bug up my ass to get another dog. There are a number of reasons for that and some of them I think I'm not quite openly admitting.  Reason one is that I started hiking. I real

Evil Wheat

First off, this is in no way a vilification of wheat in general. I am talking about me specifically and the way my body handles things. Yesterday I made a huge mistake. Huge. We went out to lunch and I not only had a hard cider to drink, but I ate a soft pretzel and some pizza. Worst mistake ever. So let's backtrack a little. I started AltShift in September, 5 months ago, and in that time I can count how many times I've had wheat. Whenever I have had it though, I've had a little. A small piece of bread. A couple of bites of cake. Some small pretzels. Etc. Never have I sat down and ate a large amount of wheat on purpose. Also, within the last 2 months or so, I have had no wheat at all. None. So what made me think that I could eat a ton of wheat yesterday and not suffer the consequences?  I have no idea. But suffer I did. First, I couldn't even finish my pear cider because it got way, way too sweet. I was wondering if it was because of the wheat that the sweetnes