Be careful where you step.......

it could be a trap.  I'll get to that in a second, but first, let's get caught up.

Since my last post, things have been going fairly well. I have been exceeding 10,000 steps most days. I'm keeping up to date on my school work. I've been meditating every day for the past 15 days - yay me!!!!  And sleep had been good. Now food is another issue, but I've also been working on not beating myself up for decisions made. I choose to eat everything I put in my mouth and while I should be making better choices, I'm also okay with getting other things in line first and then working on food. If I have everything else in place, then I can focus on food and not be distracted by other things. So I'm doing well and happy with where I am.

One thing that has happened though is I've fallen into the video game trap. I found a simulation game that I really, really like. I've been playing it a lot and spending money on it. UGH!!!  This bothers me. A. Lot. I got so caught up in the game I spent almost $80 in one sitting. That pisses me off because I don't want to spend money like that on a game and I didn't realize that I was spending that much. So that has to end. I can only spend $10 a week on that stupid game - but I really do like it.

Other than that, things really are going well. I'm working on getting the money situated and that's going well (except for that $80 on video games). I've made the money situation kind of a game and that is helping keep me on track. Mavy has started his training again, so that's good for him. And everything else is all good. Nothing much to say.


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