
Showing posts from December 31, 2017

Happy New Year

So here it is. 2018. We had some friends over last night and it was fun. Thankfully, everyone left by 10 pm and we headed to bed by 11 pm.  Fireworks went off until 1:00 am but then it all got quiet. As I stated in a previous post, I haven't made any big resolutions or sweeping changes this year. I feel like  I've made a whole lot of changes this year and I don't really have the urgent need to make any more. There are still things I need to work on (as I step over books and backpacks on the floor by my desk) but I think I'm in a mental position to actually make those changes. So that is something that will happen this year, but it's not a resolution, it's a process. I did weigh and measure myself this morning, I've been planning to do that for a week or so, and was happy with where I'm at. I've lost a significant amount of weight, enough that it would have been cause for huge celebration back in my weight watcher days. More important is that I&#