
Showing posts from December 24, 2017

Clean Slates

This is one of my favorite quotes. I love it. I was going to post about the new year and making a new beginning and all that stuff. But then I realized, that I made my new beginning back on September 11th when I started AltShift. At the time, I was somewhat desperate. I felt horrible. I was huge. And I had basically come to terms with the fact that I would be huge forever. Then I started AltShit and signed up for AltShift Activate, and the rest is history so to speak. So for the first time in I don't even know how many years, I'm not looking to start a healthy diet or activity plan this new year. However, that doesn't mean I'm perfect or that I don't have anything to work on. I love new beginnings, new starts, blank sheets, whatever you want to call them and I absolutely love, love, love that New Year's Day is on a Monday. How perfect is that? The thing is, I want to approach the things I wish to change like I did AltShift. I need to get my thinking right befor