Daily or Weekly updates?
I've decided to use this blog as what it was meant for, a health and fitness blog, I am just trying to decide how often to update. But I think I will leave that to chance. If I set too high an amount, like daily, and I don't meet it, I'll feel like a failure. But if I set to low a goal, like weekly, I might forget. So I think I'll just play it by ear and see how often I post. I know that I will need it more often in the beginning and that it will taper off as I get better, but I'll let it evolve by itself. Okay, health and fitness it is. So I joined Plant Fitness about a month ago and went sporadically. In fact, I discovered that I have never done day 4 of my workout because I never went 4 days in one week. Lame. However, this week and all future weeks will be different. I will go 4 times a week, every week. So let's recap this week: Monday: was feeling inspired to work out since I am feeling particularly fat lately. And working out felt good. I didn...