a few weeks ago I came across a teacher's blog who talked about how she chose a word for the year. She gave a number of examples from past years but this one really spoke to me. It still does. I haven't really instituted any upgrades in my life yet because it was the last few weeks of summer and I had fallen into a pattern of lazy days. I did manage to go to the gym regularly, so that was definitely an upgrade. This week though, school starts. So I think it is time to upgrade my life and I just need to figure out what that looks like.
Upgrade my career: I really do love what I do. I know I complain and moan about the kids, but I really do enjoy teaching. It is fun, different every single day, and I am making a difference. So upgrading this looks like this:
Upgrade my career: I really do love what I do. I know I complain and moan about the kids, but I really do enjoy teaching. It is fun, different every single day, and I am making a difference. So upgrading this looks like this:
- No whining or complaining about anything, but especially the kids.
- Keeping my lesson plans up to date throughout the year
- Entering grades every week, no matter what.
- Staying organized if it kills me
- Finding systems that work for me
My ultimate goal with my work upgrades is to leave school at the end of the day/end of the week knowing that everything is done and I can relax until I return.
Upgrades to my health: I've been working on this but need to kick it up to the next level. I've tossed around different diets; paleo, primal, whole30, etc.; but I think I've honestly come down to no diet at all. I've been focusing on eating good stuff this summer and I feel good. I find that I have energy through most of the day, and I sleep well at night. The key to upgrading this for me is exercise. I need to exercise regularly and I need to take that up a notch. So for the month of August, this is what I plan:
- Gym 5 mornings a week - 4 days of strength, 1 day of cardio
- Eating good, whole food and stopping when I'm full
- Yoga/stretching. I need to incorporate this into my evenings. My body will thank me.
- Walking - hitting my step goal every day. I know this is an arbitrary number calculated by an inanimate object, but it is at least something to shoot for.
- Take the stairs at school whenever possible. If the kids aren't around and I'm not in pain, the stairs it will be.
- Consider signing up for a race/event to focus my energies on.
Upgrades to my life: I have a pretty good life right now, but much like my eating, I'm going to stop worrying about money. I will pay attention and I will keep the bills paid and everything, but I'm not going to stress about it. We have plenty of money and, much like food, I just need to develop a healthy relationship with it. Life upgrades:
- Monitor the money, but do not stress over it.
- Keep spending to a minimum, but again, don't stress over it.
- Do something I enjoy every single day
- Spend time with Hubby every day
- Spend time with my dogs every day
- Spend time outdoors every day
- Write down a gratitude every day
Upgrades to my Ph.D.: this is where things get hairy. We were trying to refinance the house to get some money out. This would have allowed me to pay off what I owe Walden and start the new quarter in August. However, in a real case of irony, we may not be able to refinance because of my student loans. Hollah!!!! But this has really made me stop and think, why am I fighting to finish this? I started this for a very specific reason in Hawaii and that reason is now pretty much gone. I would love to finish it, but I'm not going to bang my head up against a wall repeatedly to get it done. So, my attitude at this point is, if we get the refinance I will pay off Walden and I have given myself 1 year to finish it. That means a whole lot of work on my part. If we don't get the refinance, I will have to reconsider this and determine the next steps. I can take another quarter off without penalty. I know it will work out one way or the other, I will just need to be open to what happens.
So there you have it. I'm starting my upgraded life today by prepping so that I can do the things I want to do to upgrade my life. I'm excited and ready to take things up a notch.