Time to make some hard decisions
I've been going to school on financial aid. I've now run out of financial aid and still have about a year of school left. It's going to cost me about $20,000. There is another type of financial aid, but for various reasons I don't qualify. There is one other possibility, but I won't know if that works out for a couple of days, maybe a week. If that doesn't work out, I honestly do not know what I will do. I've had some lenders approach about refinancing the house and pulling out some money. I don't want to do that because I want to save as much for when we move as possible, but that may be an option. Another thought is to just move everything up a year. Forget the Ph.D. and move this summer. Not my favorite choice because we were doing things when we were for reasons. Very good reasons. Sooooooo......I'm kind of stuck and I'm not sure what to do. I hate this......I've spent the morning researching and looking around and trying to get informat...