Working out and Crossfit
I've been doing Crossfit for almost 3 years now. That is longer than I have ever stuck with one particular program. But lately, I'm thinking that Crossfit and I have reached an end. There is a lot going on in my life, at the Crossfit gym I go to, and just in general. I think it might be time to step away from the box. For much of the 3 years I have been at Crossfit, I have had some sort of injury. My shoulder, knee, back, foot, not to mention all the little pains and strains that I get. I don't blame Crossfit or our coaches. I blame myself. Crossfit is set up to make you want to try and push yourself. I am very competitive with myself and I fall into that trap all the time. I can snatch 45#, let's see if I can do 50# or 60#. I know it's stupid, I know better, but I can't help it. When I do the sensible thing, and hold back, I just feel like a slacker. So for the past 7 weeks I've been dealing with this foot injury. I have seen the chiropractor and been...