Pity party
It kind of dawned on me in the last day or so that I have been engaged in a rather long lasting pity party. That came as quite a shock to me. I am not the pity party type of person. This is more me: But that hasn't been the case lately. I'm actually not sure for how long I've been engaged in this here pity party. I think it has been awhile. Well, it is finally time to suck it up, get off my ass, and take responsibility for my life. When you view yourself as a certain type of way, it is hard to let go of that image when it slips. So, time to sucke it up and get my act together. One of the problems I've been having is pain. My plantar has been almost out of control. I have had to wear shoes all the time and I bought a little brace that fits around my arch to help support it. I wear that all the time too. It's gotten considerably better, but it's still bad. Today I see a chiropractor who does active release technique and I am looking forward to getting some r...