
Showing posts from March 29, 2015


One of the good things about working for a catholic school? Good Friday and Easter Monday holidays :) So today is Good Friday and I have the day off. And I also have Monday off. This totally rocks. I have lots of work to do over these 4 days. I have unfortunately been putting off my schoolwork knowing that a 4 day weekend was looming large in my future. So I did not do anything during the week. Bad habits that need to be broken. So there is a lot of work to do the next 4 days. But that's okay, I have a plan and it will all work out. Tonight is the Benchmark Bash at Crossfit. I am going to max out my backsquat - shooting for 200# - and then take on some horrendous workout. I have never been to one before and it should be fun. When they started having them I was so injured, I just did not feel like maxing out anything. But I'm feeling better now and I think I can do it. It's worth a try. That's really all I have to say. Things have been just chugging along, not p...