What if......

What if I stopped all this nonsense about eating and weight loss and size and everything........

What if, instead of beating myself up I showed myself the love and understanding that I show others.......

What if, instead of focusing on what I do wrong, I focus on what I do right......

What if, I just accepted myself, like I do my students, and just tried to do my best each day.......

What if, I showed myself the love I show others......

Time to start living the what if..........

I should end the post here, but I'm not. I need to write. Whenever I am making transitions, I tend to write more.

So the last couple of days, I've been getting these weird sensations in my body after I drink my coffee. Today I think I only drank about 1/2 a cup before I just put it down. My insides were like electrified and humming....I have no idea how to explain it. I may have to give up coffee.... Kind of a bummer, but not the worst thing in the world I could give up.

Choices...it all comes down to choices... what do I want and how am I willing to get there. So I need to start making better choices...these good choices have to start first thing in the a.m. No more laying in bed and making deals with myself; I'll get up in 10 minutes and only do 15 minutes on the treadmill; bull crap!! I will program into my head that I will do it and I will do it. No excuses, no exceptions.....

Choices for food need to change...I love the paleo meals I make...I love eating meat....so why do I struggle with making them?? Who knows....but it boils down to choices....I will chose to eat food that nourishes my body and does not pollute it. I have looked at food purely as nourishment in the past and it really served me well. I have a strange mind and finding out how to view things really helps me to handle situations.

I read a great article last night by a guy who struggles with life, like everyone does, and he had some really good points. He said everyday we should practice improving our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health and well-being. Physical: move some everyday. Doesn't have to be hours or an excruciating workout, just move. Emotional; don't let others bring you down. Be honest. Mental; make lists. Lists of all kinds of things. Things you want to do. Things you've done. Things you'll never do. Businesses to start. Blogs to write. People to meet. Etc...just make lists. Finally, spiritual; mediate, pray, be grateful, whatever form spirituality takes for you; do it. Every. Day. If we do these things every day, just imagine how much greater life would be. How much positivity and joy would you have in your life? Definitely something to work on and strive towards.

So this whole thing is going to take a mental shift. Stop beating myself up. Stop berating myself for things I've done. Stop making poor choices. That's it. Time to start doing that.


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