WW Week 1

My first week on WW is officially complete. I don't know when I stopped WW the last time exactly. I do know that it was over 3 years ago. I stopped for a variety of reasons, the main one being that I said it stopped working for me. Now, in hindsight, the truth is, I stopped working it. I also remember vividly becoming obsessed with the numbers. Obsessed. I would try to keep my points as low as possible. I didn't want to eat my weekly points and I was proud when I finished the day with daily points left over. That kind of thinking is what leads to eating disorders. That was definitely one of the main reasons I stopped WW last time. There was also the fact that I just wasn't doing it. I felt like it had stopped working for me but I know that wasn't the case at all.

So this week I'm back. I was not perfect, but I did it. I did not track all my food every day, but I tracked more than 90% so that is good. I ate my daily points. I ate my activity points. I ate my weekly points. I did not skimp on food and I refused to obsess over the numbers. What is, is.

Gotta run, the time got away from me. More when I return.

Okay, I'm back.

And then I left again and now it's 8:30 p.m. Okay, let's start at the beginning. I lost 2.4# this week. Nice. I'm pleased with that. I am feeling better. Not quite so huge, so things are going in the right direction.

I had a plan for my day, and when I got home I discovered my phone has taken a crap. Because of the insurance I have, I have to take it into town to see if it can be fixed. Then I get an email from Hubby to say his plans changed and we are going to Costco today. I wasn't planning on that so I needed to rearrange my day. So it was off to Costco and shopping for the week. At least that is all done and I don't have to deal with it tomorrow. At WW this morning I bought some smoothie mix and some oatmeal. After the Costco trip, I spent some time in the pool and it was 2 p.m. already. A short nap and then it was time to walk the dogs. Dinner, clean up and some time in my class and boom, it's 8:30 and I'm tired.

A side note, I injured my foot on May 16th. On October 5th, I stated that I had been pain free for almost 3 weeks. That has continued and I have been good about wearing shoes in the house and the type of shoes I wear to school and such. On Friday of this week, I realized that I had not thought about my foot all week. I had gone a week without even thinking about the pain in my foot. I still consider the shoes I wear in the morning, but then completely forget about it. I think I can cautiously say, I'm over it. Whew. It only took 5 months. I can walk the dogs and not have it bother me. I walk on the treadmill and can feel it a little bit but as soon as I stop its all good. Now I need to work on increasing my activity. I want to start really working out and I'm just kind of stymied as to how to do it. Not sure why, but I am. Something to work on.

Okay, I'm tired and I'm going to bed.


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