Just f*in do it

There is a time to be all soft and nice to yourself and there is a time to kick yourself in the a** and be brutal. I think I have reached the brutal point, at least it worked last night. I have done all these posts about how I'll make this change and that change; how I'll shoot for 3 times a week doing whatever....clearly that has not been working. So it is time to get real. I know what needs to be done and I know how to get it done. I just need to do it. So, here are a few things I WILL be doing today:

  • Not sitting at my computer for more than an hour at a time. I will have a timer open and every time I sit down, I will set it for an hour. When it rings I will go do something else. 
  • I will log everything I eat before I eat it. Normally I wait until after and that seems to not work, so it's before. 
  • I will workout 2x today. I'm going to do Black Fire this morning and do some Zumba type stuff this afternoon. 
That's it. Not terribly hard, just a few things that need to happen. Just f*n do it!!!!!!


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