Perfection is overrated

I wrote this post last night but it was not making sense. I have decided to just start over with it. Not even sure why I mentioned last night since I just deleted everything I wrote. Oh well, moving on......

I am a procrastinator and I have to change it. I have been working for 2 weeks and have not made any progress on my proposal. NONE!!!! I have to make some. I put off grading. I haven't made my chemical list. I have a whole list of things to do that I have not even started. I don't want to be like this. Putting things off creates stress because it is constantly on my mind. I have been thinking about my grading all week; haven't done it, but thought about it. What a waste of time and energy. I spend far, far too much time either cruising around Facebook, or playing games, or laying on the couch watching TV. I always seem to put having fun first over doing what needs to be done. That has to stop. I know how to do it, I just don't know how to do it - if that makes any sense at all. I get so overwhelmed and paralyzed when the to do list gets too big, I just shut down. Okay, I think I just hit on a way around it. Don't look at the whole list. Decide what I'm going to work on and just focus on that. But I need to be proactive and stay on top of things. Okay, it's starting to come to me. I used to create not only a to do list, but an order in which to do them. I would sit down in the morning with my coffee and write out my list in the order I would do them. And I would work through the list in order and get things done. Maybe I should do that. Instead of just having a general to do list, have a very specific to do list. Hmmm....I need to consider that. I saw a video on a guy who uses a legal pad to create his to do list every day. Maybe I will dig out a big piece of paper and create my list for today. I will do it just like I like it, in order, with details. Yeah, let's give it a try. I know it worked for me before. I just need to create one every day and then stick to it. Okay, I'll check back later with my results.

Later that same day: So I sat down and made a very specific to do list. It looked like this:

  • Wash sheets
  • Dress for Crossfit
  • Eat
  • Clean kitchen counters and kitchen table
  • Crossfit
  • Breakfast 
  • Shower
  • Vacuum house
  • Create key for test
  • Clean bathroom 
  • Work 1 hour on proposal 
Right now, it looks like this: 

  • Wash sheets
  • Dress for Crossfit
  • Eat
  • Clean kitchen counters and kitchen table
  • Crossfit
  • Breakfast 
  • Shower
  • Vacuum house
  • Create key for test
  • Clean bathroom 
  • Work 1 hour on proposal 
Plus, I've had lunch with Hubby, been in and out of the pool as the heat dictates and took a nap. I may not get to the bathroom today, but that is okay there is always tomorrow. I will work on my proposal but that will probably not happen until after dinner as I'm getting ready to walk the dogs. Oh yeah, I will shower before bed too. 

This type of list making works for me. It just does. Specific, in order, small pieces, it works. Not only does it keep me motivated and making progress, I also think about what I have to do less. I know it is on my list, so it's not on my mind. I took a restful nap and did not feel guilty when I woke up because I knew I was getting my stuff done. I like this. I'm going to do it again tomorrow. 


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