How do I do that???

This saying has been around for years and years. It is never more true then when referring to weight loss. Losing weight is an ongoing event and not something you do and then stop. Even once you reach your goal, you have to keep working to maintain it. I read a blog recently where they referred to it as keeping your eye on the road.

This makes a whole lot of sense because if you are on a journey, you need to keep your eyes on the road in order to make sure you keep going in the right direction. Especially with weight loss, it is so easy to hit a detour or even get lost completely.

My problem is, how do I keep my eyes on all the roads I am on?

I want to be strong and healthy, which means working out and eating right. I need to keep my eyes on this road because the detour of laziness and junk food is never far away.

I want to complete my classes and do well in them. I have to keep my eyes on this road because it is too easy to make no progress for days at a time and then suddenly have to many, many miles to make up in one day.

I want to be a good teacher in all my classes. I have to keep my eyes on this road because it changes every day. I never know exactly where this road is going when I get up in the morning, so keeping an eye on it is an absolute must.

These are my primary roads right now. How do I keep my eye on all of them at the same time? Do I segregate my day and watch different roads at different times? Do I try to watch them all at the same time? How do I do this?

I sometimes feel that I don't have the skills that others have. I feel like somewhere along the line I missed learning some things that other people became experts at. Maybe it's just that I over think things too much. I don't know. What I do know is that I need to keep my eyes on the road and focused on the things I really want out of life.


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