
This week I have been working my way back into healthy habits. These things don't happen immediately, but I have developed a plan and determined to follow through. So I have been eating good, whole food and trying to stay under 1500 calories a day. For the most part I have been successful. I have also realized that I need to get back into the Crossfit habit. When I started Crossfit I really felt great and lost weight. Then I stopped losing weight. Then I stopped feeling great. I couldn't understand why, I was still doing Crossfit. Then I realized that I had lost the consistency. In the beginning, I loved it so much, I never missed a workout. Then I got to where I didn't love it as much and I started missing workouts. Then I started missing weeks. Once I missed almost a month. So getting back into the habit of Crossfit is part of my goal. I'm working on this by having a plan. My plan for this week played out as follows:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday - Crossfit
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday - dog walk

I ended up not doing much at all on Monday. Tuesday was good, I did Crossfit and walked the dogs. Wednesday was open house so nothing happened. Thursday I walked the dogs but decided against Crossfit as I want to get back into my routine of 3 days on 1 off, 2 on 1 off. That not only worked well for me before, but creates specific days that I go and I like that. So I skipped Thursday and went last night. I'm going today for the partner throwdown and I will go tomorrow. Then it's Monday off, and so on.

The most important thing that has happened this week is that I'm changing my mind set. Instead of thinking how tired I am after school, I'm just thinking that Crossfit is on my schedule and I have to go. That is a much better attitude. At least until I get to the point where I am excited about going every time...yeah, not there yet.... Also, I have passed up a number of sweet treats this week and I am very proud of myself. I have decided that sugar is non-negotiable. I will not be eating it and that has helped me keep away from it. I did have a piece of cake last night and it was terrible. I just don't think it's worth it. Or better yet, I will save my treats for something that is worth it and not something store bought.

Okay, have to go get ready for the partner throw down, this should be fun.


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