Losing Control
This is how I feel right now. This is how I felt when I was lying in my bed, wide awake at 2am. All I could think about was the quizzes I have to give today that I haven't written; the grading that I need to do; the summary of a research article that is due tomorrow; reading more articles for my prospectus; the blog post that was due on Wednesday; the video that I have given zero thought to and that I should be editing right now; the wrist wrap I need to make for tomorrow night; the proctoring I have to do tomorrow; and the party that I am supposed to go to tomorrow night. Oh, and the fact that I really wanted to go to Crossfit tonight. There are only 24 hours in a day and for the next couple of days, I could really use about 50. I could also use some energy. This is all on top of the fact that my computer room has become a complete and total disaster,scratch that - my entire house has become a total disaster, which makes doing any of these things difficult at best. I need to mak...