Time Management
My new classes start on Monday. This time I'm taking two that are requiring a multimedia presentation at the end and one writing course that is four weeks long. I just created the calendars for them. I put all the assignments on a calendar for each class so I have a visual of what is due on what day. The idea behind it is that I can then prioritize my work. Except that is not what happens. I will look at the calendar and see nothing is due until the weekend so do nothing all week. That will not work anymore. These classes are getting harder and harder. I just read somewhere that each credit hour translates to 42 hours worth of work. I'm taking 9.5 credits, that's 399 hours over 12 weeks or ~33 hours a week. That is a lot of time. A. Lot. Of. Time. Let me break down my time in a week: 7 days = 168 hours Work = 40 hours Driving = 7.5 hours Crossfit = 6 hours Sleep = 56 hours Leftover= 69.5 hours. Now theoretically, I have plenty of time to do my work. Yet I spe...