It is not all about the calorie
I was just talking to someone about this the other night and I know I touched on it in a post the other day. But, as fate would have it, it was shoved in my face yet again today and I feel the need to expound upon it. Since switching to Paleo, one thing I have found is that I am no longer consumed with the thought of food. When I counted calories or points or whatever, it seems that food was all I ever thought about. I would literally be eating one meal and thinking about the next. I could not go very long without food because my blood sugar would crash and I would become a raging maniac. It was sad. Since starting Paleo, I've discovered a whole new way to eat. I no longer think of food constantly. I no longer need to have food at certain intervals or risk becoming Mr. Hyde, in fact I have forgotten to eat meals and lived to tell the tale. I don't worry about eating before a workout because, even if a little hungry, I know I have fuel for the workout and won't die. Also, b...