It's Black Friday

and I plan on avoiding it all day. Yesterday was quiet and relaxing. I had eggs benedict for breakfast, a nap, long dog walks, and turkey dinner. It was nice. Today is going to be pretty low key too. I plan to go to Crossfit, though I don't know when exactly, and I plan to get all my grading done. My plan is to sit and watch Sons of Anarchy while I grade. I'm pretty sure I can get everything done in just a couple of hours. Then I can get it all loaded into the gradebook and I will be able to focus on my own school work. I would like to get all of my initial assignments done before Monday. I can and will keep ahead this quarter. I figure if I can start working on the weekend ahead instead of the weekend it's due, I should be able to keep myself ahead of the game. I'm going to try it this quarter. I have to do something because what I am doing is barely working.

In other news, I started taking this on Sunday:

It was recommended by one of the Crossfit people and I decided to give it a try. It is supposed to help your joints since it contains an acid that is found in sinovial fluid. Between getting older and the extra weight and the crappy joints I have, I decided to give it a try. The first 7 days are a loading phase, so I have been taking 3 tablespoons a day. Just yesterday I noticed that my joints don't creak and hurt when I get out of bed in the morning. My knee is feeling amazing, as are all my other joints. Hmm.... Maybe there is something to this. I'm willing to try just about anything when it comes to my joints. I'll continue to take it and see how it goes.

That's it for now. I'm off to shower and breakfast and start my grading. I want to get it done.....


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