Formulating a plan
When trying to make a change, my typical reaction is to just change everything. If I want to get organized I will clean and organize everything and then tell myself I will straighten up every night before bed. Well, that is highly impractical. I will do it for a night or two and then I will be really tired one night and not do it. Then the next night I may forget. Then, before I know it, things are a mess again. I know me. I know that in order to make really lasting changes, I need to take baby steps. So that's what I need to plan. Baby steps. So let's work this out.
I want to do the following:
- Crossfit 5x a week
- eat mostly paleo - no processed food
- drink 100 oz of water everyday
- walk the dogs every night
Okay, feeling better already. For the coming week I will focus on eating. I will make breakfast and lunch and drink water like it's part of my contract. I will not force myself to go to Crossfit on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday, but I will definitely go on the weekend.
This takes the pressure off of myself, and god knows I have enough pressure with the classes I'm taking and the classes I'm teaching. So, for next week the focus is on food and not the workouts. That may last for a couple of weeks, we will see how it goes. Once I have the food basically under control, I will start working on the workouts. Oh yes, baby steps. Feel so much better now.