Time to commit

I get lazy. I get really, really lazy. And I've been lazy for a while now. Part of it started when I got a little depressed after the 'incident'. But I've gotten over that and just moved into lazy. I need to not be lazy. I need to not give in to the siren song of the couch in the middle of the afternoon when it is too hot to move. I need to not let the chair in my computer room lure me into comfort and end up snoozing. I need to not put off things because I don't feel like it/it's too hot/I'm too tired/blah, blah, blah. So for one day I will struggle and sacrifice to do what I now I should. Tracking calories, moving, working on schoolwork, these are the things I should be doing. Once I get everything done, then I can rest - but that will take a couple of days at least.

So the plan for today:
Walk dogs
Plan tomorrow

Not so hard. Simple to do list that I can complete today. Notice there is no nap in there. There will be no nap today. I have gotten too much into the habit of napping and I need to break it. I only have 2 weeks of break left, then it's back to work. Ugh!!!! Stop, focus on today, this morning, right now. Not going to live in the future or the past, going to live in the right now. And right now I need to start getting ready for Crossfit. Maybe have a little something to eat before I do that. So move, I want to hit 15,000 steps today, and track food, I need to eat at least 1500 calories. One day, just one day!!!!!


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