Getting more activity

Being unemployed, I don't get as much activity in my day. When working I am constantly walking around the class, running errands on breaks, etc. Then after school I would do crossfit or whatever. So I moved a lot more than I do now. I tried to figure out how to get more movement in my day. There was a time when I would never sit still. I tried to remember the things I used to do. I know one of them was running, but that was only one. Then yesterday we went for a ride to the north shore. We just cruised stopped at a beach or two, had lunch at our friend's shrimp truck, it was awesome. And one of the things I realized is how much I like to be out in nature. Which led to me deciding to bike more. Which was followed by, why don't I take a bike ride in the afternoons? Duh!!! I do Crossfit in the morning and I walk the dogs in the evenings. The middle of the day is hardest part. Why not take a bike ride? Even if it's hot, I can still ride. I will be out in the fresh air and I will be getting more activity. I need to switch from not active to active. There was a time when, if I had a few minutes to spare, I would do something active. I need to get back to that place and a bike ride is a decent place to start. So that's the program I'm starting today. I will fit in schoolwork around my bouts of activity. Actually, I will get a lot more done if I'm more active. Laziness begats laziness and activity begets activity. So here's to more activity.

So I'm thinking of this:

6am up, feed the birds, coffee, check to-do list for the day, etc.
8am Crossfit - ride bike there
9:30am breakfast, shower
10-12 schoolwork, housework, craftwork, etc.
12-1pm bike ride (starting small)
1:30 lunch
2-3:30 schoolwork, housework, craftwork, etc.
3:30 walk dogs
6pm dinner

That's the general game plan, though it is completely flexible. The main thing is I'm trying to keep times for meals and to digest. If I don't plan time for meals, I won't eat, then I'll crash and that will be really bad. So time to workout, time to eat, time to get stuff done.

Oh yeah, today I have a conference call at 11am. Can not forget that.


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