Support group

Last night I met up with some friends for drinks. It was fun. Talking over old times. Discussing future possibilities. It was good. The one thing about where I worked is that we formed really close bonds with our co-workers rather quickly. I say it was because we had a common enemy and needed to band together to survive. Others agree with me. So even though I haven't seen Aaron in 3 years, it was just like old times. Nice to catch up.

Other than that I did not do much. Ran into a problem with my dog hammock and am noodling on a way to fix it. Started reading a Stephen King book. Did a little cleaning. Oh, I did take some pictures. My favorite photography is macro and I went out in the rain yesterday and took some:

I'm not great, but I love macro photography. Love it.

Other than that, not much happened yesterday. Today I tutor for a couple of hours. Tomorrow we are hoping it is nice because we want to head to the beach for a while. I have not been to the beach in a long, long time. There is a storm hanging around the islands and I hope it passes today and is nice tomorrow. I have a couple of projects I want to do, I guess I will have to get on them so I don't get bored. I'm not sure how I'm going to make it for 2 months not working. I need to find something that will keep me very, very interested and busy. Not sure what that is.


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